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Situations not covered by your car R.C

Who does not remember that man who built his car against the headquarters of the PP? We know that your idea when taking the car is not that (or yes, who knows ...) but you are never sure that it will not happen to you. One of these days, you may be leaving the wheel of your hands to go confused or excited about that 'sound' that sounds on the radio and you end up crashing the car in the garage, on the street, or, why not, against the Seat of a political party. His insurer did not cover this crash (probably, because he is not a client of a some of the best car insurance companies in Florida), do you want to know that it covers you? Civil liability is the insurance policy indispensable for the legal mobilization of the vehicle, with these coverages the customer is insured against damages to third parties but being fair, this coverage of damages to third parties, cannot cover any own damage, nor to the Customer or your vehicle. You must know then what are the cases that does not cover your R.C, in case the flies.

Cases not covered by insurance

If a collision occurs against a relative, insurers tend to think that it is a fraud, so only damages are covered if the relationship between those involved is up to the third degree of consanguinity. And suspected, insurers do not trust the blows between neighbors or co-workers, but of course, this must prove it. Very few insurers will not cover the damages of the car if you were circulating by ‘non-suitable routes', that is, outside the asphalt; nor will they give you mechanical assistance on many occasions. Anyway it is not always the case and there are some insurers that if they have coverage for these cases, you can find out what they are on our website. Another time where, this time, no company will take care of the settlement of the damages results when your car causes a loss and does not help the injured or runs away, besides being a serious crime punishable by law. In any case your company will be responsible for compensating the victims of the accident and the cost of damages of their vehicles. If by bad luck a natural disaster occurs, none of the insurers will cover the damages caused neither by flood, earthquake, cyclones ... Nor in case of terrorism, demonstrations, riots, strikes or exceptional cases such as wars or nuclear accidents. Another case that does not cover is the situation in which you have embarked your car and the ship is going to sink, these damages go on the part of the insurance of the own boat.